BMC in Seattle
Bebe Miller Company was excited to spend some time in Seattle, WA teaching and making with a great community of artists. Check out what we were involved in below:
July 31-August 7, 2016: Bebe teaches at Seattle Festival of Dance Improvisation (SFDI)
August 5, 4pm: Bebe and Darrell Jones perform at the Seattle Art Fair
- Part of the Seattle Festival of Dance Improvisation (SFDI) / presented at Seattle Art Fair
Union Station 401 S Jackson St
FREE + open to all - In the Union Station site —activated everyday by commuters and tourists visiting from around the globe, moving through its transit hub—2016 SFDI faculty Bebe Miller + Darrell Jones’ performance will highlight how choreography is everywhere, always in everything. Through their deeply physical approach to improvised movement, they will brings awareness to the body of the viewer in the context of the art fair, revealing how we don’t just see art, we feel it and gain knowledge and experience through motion.
August 10, 6-8pm: Creative Residency Open Rehearsal, Velocity Dance Center, Seattle, WA
- Bebe Miller Company’s latest project, Dances from The Making Room, will be in residence at Velocity this August. “We’re looking at the syntax of movement (think David Foster Wallace) and how we absorb meaning (think Toni Morrison and Gertrude Stein).” Join Bebe Miller, Darrell Jones and dancer Trébien Pollard for an open rehearsal, sprinkled with some talking and a bit of audience back-and-forth. Free!
Tagged as bebe, dance improvisation, darrell, making room, residency, seattle, seattle art fair, sfdi, teaching, trebien, velocity